Friday, July 28, 2006
sigh... its the weekend ahead... but somehow im not in a very celebratory mood... how come theres so much things to learn and do in uni??
hmmm... lets see wad i gotta do this weekend:
-catch up on the geographical perspectives... reading and start listing down the assignments
-read up and do notes for biology
-read up and do notes for chem, study and do calculations
-do stats homework, and revise on the calculations
argh!! sianz!! i dunno whether its because im too stressed, when i dont need to be, or that uni is really hard...
oh well, but more party... haha it was good, havent seen so many of them in ages... and we played poker and stuff... lots of fun and jokes... sigh, kinda miss the high school days... well the party was more of a 'high school reunion' kinda thing...
tonight stevo is having a gig at northbridge so we're thinking whether we wanna go... i dont mind going, but staying at home resting would be better... lol
ahtong signing out
@ |1:44 PM|
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
bah.... uni sux... second day of uni and im arleady mugging for biology... and prob i will hav one more unit on my way... 4 units for this semester... and i hav to crank myself back into the studying mood...
the fact that i cant help my year 11 cousin with her intro calc isnt very comforting either... ^_^
argh... wad the hell, theres a party tmr night at eric's place... damn straight im gonna enjoy... haha, havent seen so many of them in ages....
ahtong signing out
@ |9:48 PM|
Saturday, July 22, 2006
BOO!!! finally got my internet connection up!!! woohoo!!!
bah... the whole week ever since i arrived on monday hav been very very hectic.... driving here and there to settle my uni, house and internet, phone and everything...
R$#@W#@%$anywayz, met up with ratto codi aaron and sab on tuesday night at southlands... had a good catching up session on wad ive been missin and the good ol days at corpus... oh yeah, thanx ratto for the waffles treat too!! haha
oh had orientation on wednesday.... gosh, i thought i was at a NUS orientation.... so many singaporeans lah~!!!! wa lao.... sianz... but i did talk to this person who was from corpus too... haha was actually quite surprised that he found me familiar... so long already....
thu was enrolment day, managed to enrol into biomed science... (if i do well that is) and met up with stevenson, eric and bunch at andrew's house for kfc... oso becos i hav things about uni i hav to ask him... hee hee.... seriously, i would be such a lost soul without the help from u guys man... thanx heaps...
school's starting on monday.... sianz, i hav things on everyday but i hope that uni life would be fun.... heehee
alrighty, hope to talk to my singapore friends soon!! seeya!!
ahtong signing out
@ |3:23 PM|
Sunday, July 16, 2006
sigh.... tmr's the 17th... means i'll be starting another new phase of my life as a uni student in perth.... past few days hav been very eventful, sentimental, fun....
well, on friday, went for my morning usual swim as jasper (was drizzling and was a nice weather to slp though lol).... then on the spot decided to watch pirates of the caribbean.. (cos australia very the ex lah).. went to bishan... awesome movie man... though i understand, that being the 2nd episode in a trilogy is always quite difficult to pull though becos it means u hav to connect the first and the third together, but u cant hav a full conclusion becos u would need to carry it onto the third film.... so though the story line was so-so, it made up for it with action, humour and good acting from johnny depp, and of course with kiera knightley inside.... ahem... haha
oh, and pls do not stay for the ending credits... blardy hell, i thought they would hav snippets which will give meaning to the 3rd instalment but it was pure DUMB... wasted 10mins of my life and jasper had prob damaged his bladder one way or another... lol
alright, after that made my way to marina to hav steamboat with all the other hcc pples... it was all jokes, laughs and everything in between.... haha havent seen so many of them in ages!!! and it was great!! hahah caught up on a lot of things and we decided to go to kallang macs to *chill out* haha non-alcoholic chill out... kriz met us there and pple commented i looked like the lil boy in that group!!! grr..... i shy boy, not lil boy lah.... ^_^

look like little boy meh?!?!?!

steamboat at marina with the hcc of yesteryear.... haha
we talked until like 2am in the morning
^U%$%@#%#@... by the time reached home, bathed it was 3 plus.... still need to go to ecp at 10am the next day!! ^_^
alright, sat morning reeeeeeeeealy didnt wan to wake up, but hav to fetch jasper b4 we leave for ecp together.... bladed... it was like super hot weather lah!! but it was fun.... definitely will miss ALL of them when im in australia.... sigh.... thinking about all the times we've been through.... argh....

at bedok jetty

shy boy is to the extreme left
at about 5 plus, went for choir to sing for the last time.... inside i was feeling confused, emotional, shouting out... but on the outside, i look alright, smiling as pple hugged me and shook my hands...
i miss all the retardedness in the choir, with timo, aaron, jo, jaja, cheryl, jared, gerald and loads of other pple.... the fun and laughter we've shared... choir ended at 7, we went to cafe cartel to hav dinner... again it was retarded.... haha treasured every single moment of it, cos i know that come next week it will all be very different for me... i really miss u guys...

cafe cartel

cheryl and me
sunday choir pract came as a surprise... but we managed to catch a lunch with sharlene and gang at ming garden followed by blading (!!!!!) at ecp with timo and aaron... fun fun!! haha lots of pple too.... but argh, as u can guess now, im so so so shagged.... but i dun think i can slp well tonight... too many thoughts in my head lah.... blah....
oh well, i guess this is the concluding chapter for me while i start a new phase of my life in perth... but at least for me, im well assured that all the ups and downs that i hav experienced with my friends will never be forgotten... i will nv forget all the laughter and joys we had being retarded, acting cute (haha) and desperately trying to learn new songs... i will never forget the uncles in bishan swimming complex... i will never forget jasper who made my morning swims just that much more fun.... guoyuan kenny and elton with our endless nonsense and roller blading... all the pple in choir whom i treasure the times spent... thanks guys, for filling up my life, for giving my colourless life brilliant colours... for filling my lil world up.... thanks for all the cards, notes n chocolate truffles given to me (hee hee)... I thank God that ive met u guys, i guess we all hav to move on in life... its hard... but we all hav to do it... maybe for me the physical distance away from singapore just made it that much harder... i miss u guys...
pls keep in touch, and God bless everyone!! signing off from singapore now~~ tata!!
seeya all in aussieland...
ahtong signing out
@ |11:24 PM|
Thursday, July 13, 2006
went to 'face of men' again today.... will be meeting up with bai and ben tonight to catch up... tmr, it was suppose to be only me, guoyuan, kennytan and elton going to hav a meal, but jimmy decided (out of goodwill i think) to call others along... and those include our superiors and then wanted a change of venue from orchard to marina square...
so i thought, alright.... then after that he didnt give me anymore details, like who is going, wad time etc etc... so like its coming back to me now lah, i hav to inform elton they all to change venue but timings everything not set yet, and jimmy stillo havent let me know whos going and whos not.... my goodness.... somehow i wished that this was a private affair, meaning that i'll rather spend some quality time with a few of my friends than to hav a whole group of pple having dinner with me.... esp since i dun hav chemistry with some of them....
oh well, we shall see wad happens tmr... *keeping my fingers crossed*
ahtong signing out
@ |5:56 PM|
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
tuesday went to eat and catch up with pam, mack, alexius and alvin.... went to my secret gardens to eat

my secret gardens
its really cool.... the food is really quite good... then after that we wen to walk about, looking for a place to chill out, when this 3 scottish girls came and asked us for directions... saying that they are trying to find a place to eat... so we thought, hey since they're in singapore y not let them try local cuisine??? so we brought them to esplanade, where u hav the makansutra place behind the theatres.... and on the way we just chatted and chatted.. hahah and they're 22 y.o going to australia for a holiday too!! haha

a group picture at makansutra
after that.... we parted ways, n we went to clarke quay to chill out, and on the way, we jsut got bored so we took pictures with the statues... or rather, we tried to be 'one' with the statues... haha joining in conversations with them... to the amusement of the passer-bys... but aiya, machiam like i care like that.... haha it was retarded, and hilarious....

holding a convo with the statues, to the amusement of the pple behind us... only pam was game and thick-skinned enough to do it with me!! muahahhaa
went back home late.... and almost didnt want to go swimming the next day... the weather was so good too... but sigh, cannot pang seh lah... so i went.... nothing much happened today, packed my bags, adn had family dinner at night.... tmr is a full day, so i guess i better slp early tonight... signing out!
ahtong signing out
@ |10:47 PM|
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
sat went for choir as usual.... since there was no choir practice on sunday morning.... me and theodore decided to hav our breakfast at serangoon gardens cartel!! woo hoo!! had our normal 'alot alot' of orders.... ok lah, not a lot, each one of us had 2 orders, and 2 cups of orange juice.... full full sia....

oh we then made our way to novena church for choir... prisons' week.... but dunno y. my voice like cannot project that day.... no resonance wadsoever.... but hiyah sianz.... after that went for family dinner at my grandma's place...
was suppose to go swimming on monday morning... but siiiiiiince it was raining and the weather was soooooooo nice, aiya, its good to slp in once in a while.... chong huai oneself..... haha
monday night, went with my cousins to ktv.... MADNESS!!! FUN!!! haha we were crazy lah... machaim high like that... actually thinking about it, i havent been ktv in ages!! so outdated.... so like, stuck in the stone age... but nvm....
ahtong signing out
@ |12:31 AM|
Saturday, July 08, 2006
haha today is another typical day... went swimming with jasper, then went ecp to blade with timo and aaron.... hahaha was good today lah... managed to cover a considerable distance with the amt of time we had....
of course, had choir pract after that which was quite a bummer... cos already so tired already mah... but oh well, not like we hav a choice of not going...
argh... the uni admission is driving me nuts.... or should i say, my dad is driving me nuts too... he keeps giving me conflicting suggestions with regards to the uni admission letter and its raelly making me kinda irritated... ^_^
oh well, 1 more week left of singapore.... better treasure this time i hav left with my friends before i leave for australia... seriously, i think i would really miss my morning swims with jasper.. sigh
ahtong signing out
@ |12:07 AM|
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
it seems like a trend for me to go swimming followed by blading in ecp now.... haha last friday it was with jasper, then on monday it was with aaron, timo, michelle, celeste and cheryl.. and today was with guoyuan... hahhaha tired, but very fun all of them...
alright, monday (3rd July) was youth day holiday so a few of us from choir decided to go ecp for blading... but not without my morning swim first.... haha so i swam and met up with them at about 1pm, we then made our way there... so all of us rented blades, but michelle figured that she would be better off with a bike, so in the end she rented a bike instead... while we were practising our skills at the beginners' corner, guess who we saw?? haha ZHIZHONG!! haha so he decided to join us for blading even though he hasnt blade before.... and i hav to say, thoughit was hilarious to watch, but i admire his garang attitude sia.... in the end it was becos of his 'not afraid to fall down' attitude he became quite good at it even though it was his first time!!
ok so we bladed, fell, bladed again until like 7pm... ^_^ @#!#@!@!$@.... then we decided to go to macs for dinner.... wah i tell u, by that time i really so tired and sweaty that i just wished i was at my home, bathing and sleeping.... haha.... so ehre are some of the photos of that day...

zz and me

zz with one of the classic moments... with timo laughing behind him... haha

me, aaron, cheryl, timo at the bedok jetty

wa lao eh acting cute lah....

the guys...

and the girls...
alright... yesterday (4th July) went to watch Superman with jasper... it was quite good actually... a good mix of action, romance and character development.... of course, it was directed by bryan singer, how can it not be... haha
oh and it was by chance that we both hav commitments at ecp this morning at 10am, ahaha so we both took my parents car to ecp... he to meet his friend, me to meet guoyuan for blading... after that i went to queensway (
$!@$%^%%@!) for swimming and followed by dinner at commonwealth.... must say it was a good time catchin up with him after so long.... and thanx to his friend, hong en for giving us a lift back to his house where i can collect back my blades and take the long mrt ride home....
*yawnz* so tired.... alrighty, going to rest liao.... ciaoz
ahtong signing out
@ |10:14 PM|
Saturday, July 01, 2006
OH NO ITS JULY!!!! its means i hav about 2 weekd left with my friends in singapore..... sigh.... i reall dun feel like leaving... how???
although the solution seems clear.... just go... i mean, there's no alternative right?? there's noly one thing i can hope for.... and that is that i hope the friendships that ive forged through the 2yrs 4 mths in singapore can sustain the time im in overseas.... and hopefully when i come back to singapore my friends will still remember me, and that we will still be keeping in regular contact even though im in perth.....
well, today is the second day of retreat and it was alright i guess, though i hav to admit i fell asleep in the afternoon.... hee hee sorry..... oh, and theodore is back!!! WAHAHAH!!! finally get to meet him after so long.... sigh, must hav a good meal with him before i leave for australia...
ahtong signing out
@ |10:17 PM|